Profile PictureLawrence Luo

Stand (A Cappella/Mixed Choir Arrangement)

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Stand (A Cappella/Mixed Choir Arrangement)


A dramatic arrangement that will take your singers and audience on a powerful emotional journey. Arranged in a modern a cappella style with pop and jazz elements. Best for late intermediate or advanced singers, due to the number of varied sections and complex jazz-inspired harmonies. An ensemble of 12 singers is ideal to cover all parts and splits, including an optional vocal percussion part. There is also the opportunity to highlight up to 4 singers in addition to the soloist in two separate soli moments.

Listen to a recording of the arrangement by The A Cappella Collective:

Arrangement Preview:

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A .pdf file of the full arrangement, of which you can print as many physical copies as you want.

.pdf File
PDF File
493 KB
16 pages
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